Hey, I'm Batin. I am a frontend developer living in Türkiye. I've met with programming circa 2013 and I've been trying to improve myself since then. I am currently working as React.js team leader.
This website is my so called "digital garden". I am trying to write about things I've learned and things I am interested in. Because this is my website, it doesn't have any ads. I don't want to make money from this website. I just want to share my knowledge and experiences with you.
You can contact me by email at hello at batin.sh. Also I have some social accounts:
This website
- Next.js -- obvious choice
- MDX -- well, markdown with components is fun
- Tailwind CSS -- no brainer
- Vercel -- because it's free
- Vercel Geist Font -- really cool font
- GitHub -- me like open source